Hey you, with the “start-up”..!
We’re regularly talking to people utilising offshoring in their business. The majority are really happy with how things are going and are often looking how to grow theirs. Many wish they’d started offshoring much, much earlier. They are also encouraging other businesses to offshore as soon as possible, or better yet, in the start-up phase of business. It’s never “too soon”.
Is it a good idea to start a business with an offshore team. And the answer is yes. It’s not just a good idea, it’s a viable, growth focused solution.
Start with Senior Level Employees
With offshoring, you can hire senior level employees right off the bat. Starting with a professional team will give your business strong momentum, boosting your business in multiple areas – marketing, operations, customer service and accounting to name just a few.
There’s also a learning opportunity for you working with these professionals. These individuals are experienced in their field and well-versed in the industry and potentially offshore markets as well. All valuable background to help you better understand your target audience and plan your next move.
Hire More, Save More
Hiring onshore is going to cost, but offshoring cuts staffing costs by up to 70%. A month’s salary for one onshore senior employee will often cover the salaries of two offshore and leave you with change.
Outsourcing staff offshore means you won’t need to trim other areas of your budget to enable you to grow your team. Secondly, your offshoring provider takes care of recruitment, handling payroll, benefits and tax – you make one monthly payment, the rest is taken care of. Passively you save on recruitment, HR and ultimately your time.
Grow Focus
A new business needs to increase traction and engagement with potential customers. You need to understand the market and the competition. That way, you can strategically plan for business continuity, capacity and sustainability. But working in the business provides a big distraction from this focus.
Employing professionals to take care of the day to day, frees you to work on growing your business. So, build your offshore team and go after the greens.